Many people know about WD-40 or have at least heard of it, but if you don't, here's what the spray is for. This short article shares 30 of the many uses for WD-40, primarily life-saving. These benefits include:
1. A Way To Remove Germs from Your Screen.
If your phone screens often get too dirty to see clearly or leave a sticky film on your fingers when touching them, try using some WD-40 on a clean towel before wiping off germs and bacteria.
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2. Getting Rid of Fingerprints.
Our skin always ends up leaving fingerprints on the different objects we touch because it has oil glands. If you don't want to leave evidence, just use WD-40 and apply it with a cloth onto what you've felt; this will remove these oils from the surface. Apply this technique to items such as smartphones, doorknobs, or furniture made out of wood too!
3. Giving Your Dress Shoes New Life.
No one likes to have their dress shoes all drab, but WD-40 comes in handy if they are. Just spray some on the boots to bring life back to them. Massage it with a soft brush, then polish off with a clean rag. Finally, give your dress shoes that new shine again by wiping away any remaining WD-40 from the surface!
4. Eliminating Gross and Sticky Gum.
You've probably stepped on some gross, sticky gum while walking around - nobody likes that icky stuff! Don't worry; spray WD-40 all over the offending material. Let it sit for a few minutes, then grab a tissue to peel off the offending material. Voila! It's easier than ever before!
5. Separating Lego Blocks.
One of the most challenging tasks you'll encounter is separating LEGO blocks from each other. Their sharp edges will get under your nails, and this digging could cause significant pain when you're pulling the blocks away from each other. The easiest way to go about it is to use some WD-40. Within a short time, you'll be able to separate them! Use WD-40! Forget about lego block separators - they're just too difficult to store near these quick fixes.
6. For Removing Superglue.
Did you accidentally glue your fingers with some of the superglue you used? Not to worry! Spraying WD-40 will help you. It will instantly separate your fingers, providing quick relief when needed most. The sticky feeling may persist, but at least they'll be functional again.
7. Make Your Birdfeeders Slippery.
One of the worst things that could happen is for you to set up a birdfeeder only for squirrels to feed off it instead. One way to quickly fix this is to spray your birdfeeder's shaft, base, or both with some WD-40. This will help create a very slippery surface that will keep rodents away. The WD-40 destroys the squirrel's grip on anything besides its feet and claws.
8. Removing Stubborn Mold from Refrigerators.
The best way to keep your refrigerator clean is by placing a box of baking soda at the back. This will remove any unwanted odors or moisture left behind while also destroying mold spores and bacteria lurking deep within its recesses. But what if you've already sprayed down the hard-to-reach areas of your fridge with moldy grime? WD-40 will do the trick! Spray it generously over the affected area, and wait for it to soak in for about 15 minutes before wiping it off with a cloth.
9. Erasing Your Children's Works of Wall Art.
Kids are notorious for writing on walls. Even worse, they enjoy exercising every bit of their creativity using crayons on your beautiful yet stubbornly plain walls. Their wall art can be quite an eyesore, and you may feel the need to replace your entire drywall panel completely. Fortunately, you don't have to do this. Just spray some WD-40 alongside some elbow grease onto the surface and use a clean and soft piece of cloth to remove the waxy substances from your house walls. They'll be gone in no time.
10. For Cleaning Windows.
Cleaning windows can feel like a daunting task. But there's a solution: throw away your window-cleaning formula and even squeegee! Spray them with some WD-40; it'll create that slippery film that keeps contaminants from sticking quickly.
11. Completely Removing Old Stickers.
We often put stickers on our cars and other surfaces at one point or another. They look great and satisfying at first, but after time, they start to grow old, wrinkled up, and sometimes even peel away from their original place. You'll be happy to know that getting them off of a surface permanently is relatively easy once you know what technique works best for different types of materials. To remove an old sticker from your car (or any kind of surface)